8 Things About Me Here are the Rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment
8 Favorite TV shows
1. The amazing race
2. ER
3. The biggest looser
4. survivor
5. American Idol
6. Lost
7. The Deadliest Catch
8. Desperate house wives
8 Things I did yesterday
1. cleaned the kitchen
2. did some laundry
3. babysat my sisters kids
4. took Kyson to school
5. Took Easton to his doctors app. (His 3 year old check)
6. Cooked Breakfast, Lunch and dinner
7. watched The biggest looser
8. went to bed
8 Things I look forward to
1. Vacation
2. Summer
3. Camping
4. My kids getting older
5. four wheeling
6. the truck stop making money (yes it is finally open)
7. Summer (I know I already used that but I can't wait)
8. Going on dates with my hubby
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Red Lobster
2. Olive Garden
3. Chinese
4. Quisnos (the truck stop will have one soon)
5. Subway
6. Pizza Hut
7. I can't think of any other place I know I don't get out much
8 Things on my wish-list
1. Get my old body back
3. Get my kids raised with out to many issues
4. Have a maid to clean my house
5. Have someone cook dinner for us every night
6. my boys to be completely potty trained
7. Getting my scrap booking done
8. To have more time in the day to accomplish the things I need to!
So everyone I know has already been tagged.