Monday, April 20, 2009

Kyson playing soccer

This year Kyson was old enough to play on the VIP soccer team. He doesn't really like the outdoors, but hopefully this will help him. He's doing pretty good for just starting. His team will get to play on the REAL field at half time on May 16 if you are interested in going and can't get tickets let me know and I will see if they have any left out here.

Kyson with his buddy

Doesn't he look super handsome in his uniform

I think he was happiest about the treats after it was over, he'll be ready to go back next week just for the treats

Kyson defending the goal. I think he was doing more flurting than defending

1 comment:

Jessica said...

KARI WE SOOOOOO WANT TO GO!!! But we would LOVE to sit by you guys! How do we go about getting tickets by you guys? Kylie would love it! Let me know so we can make sure to get tickets.